Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Presidential Dungeons and Dragons

In internet terms the Presidential election is just a year long flamewar. It ends in November when we all go into little curtained stalls and choose the troll we like best. The troll who gets the most votes is made President and gets to be the most powerfull troll in the world for 4 years.

Following the election news closely is like reading YouTube comments. If you haven't been paying attention, here is a blow by blow I whipped up, YouTube style:

Wouldn't it be great if, instead of this vacuous circus, we had something substantial to base our decisions on? Let's get a good dungeon master and let the candidates role play the presidency on television. It would be like the debates, but useful. Seeing a candidate face problems and make decisions would give tremendous insight into how they would serve as president. C'mon, admit it, we all want to see McCain and Obama's character sheets and watching those guys stay up all night, rolling a 12d, launching cruise missles and vetoing bills? Priceless.



Evgeny Zislis said...

But no one votes on those youtube comments! Who are those people, will they even go vote?

Andy said...

clearly you meant to say "d12"