Friday, September 26, 2008

Debating the Debate

For those of you ready to have this election decided it came as a dissapointment that nobody royally screwed themselves tonight on national television. McCain kept his temper. Obama showed some foreign policy muscle. Most people are calling this debate a draw. How boring! The only salvation for the night was the fiesta where I watched the debate. They served up enchiladas and a very posh Obama cake. Mmmm. Hope is delicious!

Here is some interesting analysis I overheard at the fiesta:
  • McCain has no new foreign policy ideas. In fact he is quick to attack anyone questioning the foreign policy status quo. Yet these old ideas he is so dogmatic about have pulled us into several wars and conflicts every decade and made our country into a global bully. What is so good about that?
  • McCain's campaign uses fear to appeal to voters. Fear Obama because he is too liberal. Fear Obama because he is too different. This is the same nonsense the Bush administration used to stay in power. The same nonsense they used to walk all over the constitution.
  • On a positive note, at least both candidates could form a coherent sentence this year. That is more than we can say about the Bush years.


Vivek Vaid said...
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Vivek Vaid said...

Agree with you on foreign policy. The one area I thought Obama looked really weak was on spending and budget deficits. Hopefully he will address that in the economy debate.