Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dynamic Tweet Button Text and Counting Tweets

I deployed a new version of Hydration = which adds a little tweet button to the footer. One thing I wanted to do was make the text of the tweet different depending on what the user has done on the site. Since the site is just javascript and one static page I wanted to find a simple way to update the value that twitter sends for the tweet text. Unfortunately Twitter uses an iframe for this. The trick is to realize that the src attribute of the iframe contains the tweet message. So you can just update that with jQuery. That works pretty well. There is a slight annoyance because changing the src of the iframe causes the iframe to reload.

On a totally separate note. Another thing I bumped up against was getting the tweet count to increment. Beware URL's with a trailing slash. Twitter must strip that out of the URL before they use it as a key and so if your data-url attribute has a trailing slash the tweet count doesn't work.

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