Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lowering the barrier to metaprogramming

I've been trying to finish the Io chapter of Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, and I just added indentation to the LispML implementation. At the end of the Io chapter Bruce says
Io’s syntax is remarkably compact. You can learn Io very quickly. Once you understand the core syntax, everything else is learning the library structures. I found that I could work my way into metaprogramming quite quickly, within my first month of using the language. In Ruby, getting to the same point took a little longer. In Java, it took many months to get to the point where I could make any sense of metapro- gramming at all.

He is right on the money! But edit "within my first month" to "within my first week". Also, since there isn't special syntax for metaprogramming you aren't likely to forget how to do it. All you need to understand is how a method call in Io works, and you are ready to metaprogram.

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