Friday, April 10, 2009

Ola Bini on the Ioke Language

For those of you in Chicago Wednesday, June 10, 2009 I am going to be at Ola's talk about his new language Ioke. It should be exciting. Admittedly I haven't dug into Ioke yet. My plate is full with learning Scala, but every new language I learn teaches me something about the languages I already know. I expect Ioke will not be an exception to this rule. Doors Open @6pm Talk @6:30. Stop by and say hi.

ThoughtWorks, 200 E Randolph St. 25th Floor

Ioke is a new language, an experiment to see how expressive a language can be. It's a language for the JVM influenced by Io, Self, Smalltalk, Lisp and Ruby. It supports a prototype based object oriented system, is homoiconic, supports high level methods and macros and makes it easy to build DSLs and new abstractions from scratch. The presentation will first talk about the motivation for a new language, then talk about some of the more interesting features of Ioke, including the object system, the macro system and java integration features.

RSVP Here:

Ola's Bio:
Ola Bini is a core JRuby developer and is the author of the book ‘Practical JRuby on Rails'. His technical experience ranges from Java, Ruby and LISP to several open source projects. He likes implementing languages, writing regular expression engines, YAML parsers and other similar things that exist at the border of computer science. Check out Ola's Blog.

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