Saturday, January 10, 2009

Programming for Kids

As a kid I can remember going to the library to check out books about programming in BASIC. The books were geared towards young people and had plenty of games that you could tpye into your computer. Now days things aren't as easy for burgeoning young programmers. Even though computers are more prevelant than ever, the tools and knowledge for connecting kids with programming are still scarce. To get started programming you need that initial leg up. In the old days a book about BASIC was a leg up.

These days a search for "programming for kids" on Amazon wouldn't return any interesting results, until now. A new book called "Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners" has just come out. It is a book in the spirit of those old BASIC programming books. It covers the fundamentals of programming using the Python language and has game programs that you can get started with including a lunar lander game and a ski-free clone. If you want to learn programming or teach it to a kid, this is your book. Enjoy!

Other resources:

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Deepak said...
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