Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Mingle in every Agile shop's cupboard?

An ever popular topic of conversation at CHI.RB is 'how I quit my old-crappy-programming-job (OCPJ) and got a shiny-new-Ruby-programming-job (SNPJ)'. In fact just the other night I was listening to such a conversation. As the storyteller went down his list of new job hotness, he rattled off highlights such as: Ruby, Rails, Agile, Mingle, XP... Hey, back up! Mingle!?!

It is nice to come across people who like your* software, and even nicer to hear them drop the name among a group of programmers without anyone saying, "What is Mingle?"

* I use the possesive your here loosely. I'm not on the Mingle team, but feel slightly involved as I too work at ThoughtWorks and occasionally I send them suggestions which they blithely ignore. Thanks guys!

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