Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Heroes of 2008?

I am pretty excited about the elections this year, especially the presidential one. Lawrence Lessig's presentation about why you should vote for Obama does a good job of explaining why I think I will vote Obama in 2008.

Today on his blog Lessig himself, who has recently announced a shift away from his career focus on internet law, a historic career I might add as he is founder and CEO of the creative commons. His new goal has been to address the corruptive effect that money has in Washington. A lofty goal indeed. He is considering a run for congress. If he does run, then there will be one more candidate to get excited about.

I would love to see somebody as intellectually capable, honest and open as Lessig in Washington, even if there are some good arguments against his proposed solution to the corruption. This is a person who brings a creative intelligence and energy to solving difficult problems. Go check out his website, Even if you don't support his ideas you have to admit it is refreshing to hear someone with real ideas willing to put themselves on the line for what they believe.

1 comment:

Shlomo said...

Lessig isn't running. False alarm.