Wednesday, June 27, 2007

OSCON 2007

Look! Pimp My Build! My first conference presentation ever! I'm really looking forward to having some fun with this. The idea behind the presentation is to share some "pimp" (in the parlance of our times), uber-useful CruiseControl customizations. Andy Slocum is my co-presenter. I don't want to give too much away (read: we haven't written the presentation yet), but some of the customizations we will describe include: adding Lucene search to your build, writing plugins, eye-popping build status indicators and custom reporting.

Our original concept was to talk about all sorts of software development tools and how to extend them such as Cruise, Eclipse, Rails, etc... But that seemed way too ambitious for a 45 minute presentation. We had a funny title for that one: "Andy and Josh, (a couple of) open source tools." Good thing we refined the topic, eh?