Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Lawrence Connection

lawrence!!The last couple Chirb meetings have been interesting. Somewhat interesting is the Rails focus, but mostly just meeting people from the community. I met Adrian Holovaty at the August meeting. He gave a supplimentary talk to Jake Scruggs' excellent presentation on Streamlined. As the main guy behind Django (a Python framework) his impromptu was an effective Streamlined bodyslam followed by a Ruby/Rails piledriver. (Something about Python made me think of Hulk Hogan who called his biceps Pythons, hence the wrestling speak). The September meeting was even more Railsy because it was given by Marcel Molina a Ruby on Rails committer and a member of 37 Signals.

Talking with Adrian was fun because he used to live in Lawrence, Kansas, and so did I. In fact, the Django framework was developed there. Talking with Marcel was also interesting, and the conversation veered strangely to Lawrence. He seemed to know alot about the town, the university there, and the fact that Django was developed there. I suppose there is no real connection between him and Lawrence, but I'm interested to see who will pop up for the next Chirb meeting. It is turning out to be a real Lawrence party.


Shlomo said...

BTW. I just realized the pic says "Home of State University". I want to assure everyone that I don't condone attending K-State, but I do have some poor misguided friends who went.

Shlomo said...

Go, Lawrence! I'm excited, because I'm going back there this weekend for a wedding. Time for some Free State and Sylas and Maddy's.

Shlomo said...

I just gorged on Free State <em>and</em> Sylas and Maddy's the other night. It's good to be back!

Shlomo said...

All this talk of Free State and Sylas and Maddy's. If I can only hold on until thursday, I'll get my chance. Oh, and I'll be sure to grab a bite at wheatfields too.

Shlomo said...

MISGUIDED? WHAT? I believe that my alma matter is the one that tops the lists in Marshall, Rhodes, Goldwater, and maybe even Truman scholars among public universities. Can your alma matter say that?

Josh, you'll have to give me the scoup on the good eats in Lawrence, since I'm moving back after 10 years.