Monday, October 31, 2005


My NaNoWriMo pre-event checklist.

  1. 3 cases of wine: (Aren't the best novels written by drunks?)

  2. 2 cases of lite beer: (Yea, they are all written by drunks.)

  3. 1 case gin: (Really raging drunks.)

  4. 8 pounds Kenya AA:

  5. "Mark Twain" eyebrow augmentation surgery:

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Kansas schoolboard around Thanksgiving

Schoolboard and cranberry sauce. A Thanksgiving tradition.
Turkey!!!This entry started out as a 4 paragraph affair on the contraversial Kansas State Schoolboard. Verily, it bristled with epithets, jibes, slurs, and opprobrium. It was sooo good, and sooo true that I realized it was too good to publish here. And too obvious. Any first grader who has ever ridden a schoolbus or seen southpark has the necessary vocabulary to write 4 solid paragraphs on the Kansas school board. Consequently, I have cut all that obvious stuff. I'll sum up those four deleted paragraphs with a simple comparison: the Kansas Schoolboard members are like a bunch of turkeys.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Mmm, a nice hot bowl of Phlogiston

Nothing beats a theory that was just plain wrong.
Should we love a theory any less just because somebody went and disproved it? I think not. You can learn a lot from a disproved theory. Take Phlogiston for instance. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't, until I stumbled upon A Phlogistonic Vehmence Attenuator!?! Everybody needs one! Say Phlogiston out loud. Isn't it a great word? It sounds fake, doesn't it? Well, it is. People used to think that Phlogiston was the material that made something flamable. This was taught in schools and universities for nearly a hundred years, can you believe it? If some 17th century scientist told me to believe in a substance without color, odor, taste, or weight I would have been dubious. But to think they gave it such a fake sounding name, "Phlogiston." They should have been laughed right back into the Renaissance.